Figure or Context? Surface or Depth?
Looking at one of Adbusters magazines issues, I came across this article witch caught my attention. The article is about how people see an image dependant on where they originate from. For example when you see the image for the first time; do you see the figure?, in the article's case, the plain or the different surrounding it is displayed in the different images? It explores the differences in people from the West and East- Asia in areas such as Art and Culture. It presents scientific research results where 37 old and young Westerners and 37 old and young East Asians took part in an experiment to see how their brain reacted to the images and if their brain fluctuations corresponded to the changes in context of the images.
The results in the article say that the people from East-Asia although when asked to focus on the figure in the image they initially saw the 'background' first which Westerners saw last. I think that the this small experiment shows a possible way in how art can be perceived differently dependant on where a person originates from because of the make up of their genes which I would like to look more into further down the line in my process of producing a piece. The concept of making a singular piece of art that can be seen in different ways I like and would consider using in the near future.
'It Seems the more 'connected we are, the more detached we become.'
How people can become consumed by the technology that surrounds the modern day is what this article consists of. It raises the point that although the new technology is revolutionary, and seen as a good thing this tech can be at the same time cause for other problems including social detachment and cases of insomnia. It highlights how even now young children can now be potty trained via 'ipotty' an app... making people ask how far will technology go? and whether or not the next generation will become solely dependant on technology for simple things like 'caring for their children' and even finding 'inner piece'.
With this article I think I agree with it to a certain extent and think that people are becoming increasingly dependant and engrossed in their mobiles for example you can see how they are useful for everyday things with the new 'app stores' and the smart phones which can be used for much more than just a phone now, but its when that use spills over into more social times of the day and people become addicted. I think this is something that should be made a point of and I think it would be interesting to try and portray the anti social behaviour that can be sometimes caused by the use of mobile phones via art.